What is worship like at Tortolita?
Our worship experiences are meant to be focused on the LORD with the heart of the good news of Jesus Christ drawing our attention to how we then live every day. At Tortolita we realize that people hear and receive God’s Word using different senses and so, we try to convey and apply God’s Word to our lives using all those senses. You will hear the Word taught, sung, prayed, and you will see it depicted in video, readings and perhaps by other creative methods. All of it is meant to draw us more deeply into relationship with the One we worship so that we can see how God makes a practical difference in our lives and in the world!
Is there ever a time to simply be quiet and pray during worship?
Each week, following the message we take time to respond to what we’ve heard through prayer. Sometimes we simply sit quietly, allowing space for God’s Spirit to speak to us individually. At other times we may be given an opportunity to pray together as a community. There are always people from within our church community who are available to pray with and for anyone who would like prayer for something specific. They are available during or after each worship gathering in the back corner opposite the sound booth.
What’s the music like?
Music definitely speaks to our souls and we often speak to God through music so this is a powerful aspect of worshiping God!
On Sunday morning we sing songs which over time and up to today speak of our hearts and from the deep theoligical truths of God and His people. Music is one part of the whole design of worship because everything we do during worship is to honor and grow closer to the LORD. Whether we are lead in worship by the Choir and with a more contemporary arrangement of music, our desire is not to put on or be entertained by a “performance” but rather to worship God, Who alone deserves all our attention, praise and honor!
Which service would be the best fit for me?
As we grow in a create our worship gatherings our hope is that each week will include both the new and the familiar. This is a growing edge for us at Tortolita and we strive to create a worshipful atmosphere that would be meaningful for people across the generations! Whatever worship looks like from Sunday-to-Sunday, our hope is that it will be a meaningful and authentic experience for everyone as together we worship God in all His fullness!
What do I do with my kids during worship?
Children are always welcome in worship! The kids are welcome to come together at the Sacred Space Table where they can color or do a special project while worship continues. Kids are great multi-taskers and they can hear the message, sing the songs, watch the occasional video in worship and work on a Sacred Space activity all at the same time! If your child is too wiggly for your comfort level, then we also offer childcare for 2nd grade children and younger in Ironwood Hall, rooms 101 and 102.
Do I need to dress up?
Come as you are and be comfortable! Our focus is on worshiping God and not about what we’re all wearing! Our hope is that we would simply be respectful of God and others in the way we dress. Some people wearing shorts, shirts and flip-flops while other folks get a little more gussied up ~ it’s all good! We are just excited to have you to join us in worship!
Are classes available during any of the services or during the week?
One of the values of Tortolita is that everyone, across the generations, would worship together like we imagine it in heaven! So we aren’t inclined to usher kids out of worship and cause them to feel less than everyone else who is “in BIG church!” We offer age appropriate discipleship opportunities through Sunday School classes following the morning worship from 10:30-11:30 and small group experiences of three to four people which can meet weekly or twice monthly! We hope to soon offer youth group gatherings for students on Sunday nights! For more info about any of these discipleship opportunities, contact
Pastor Jennifer.
What is there for my student?
Again, one of our growing edges at Tortolita is in reaching students! Our Student Ministry is one of new development and we hope to soon offer a Youth Group Night either during the week or on Sunday evenings. If you're a Middle School or High School student we would love to invite you to work with us in the ground-breaking efforts for this new ministry! Connect with Pastor Jennifer to learn more. For now, if you are looking for a Sunday morning class we hope you will come to the Sermon Reflections Class as we also work toward designing a new and relevent gathering for students!
How can I, or do I have to, contribute to the offering during worship?
We create space in our time of worship to respond to God in prayer and in our offerings to Him. Don’t feel that you must put anything in the offering plate! As a new person you are our guest and we are glad you came to worship the LORD. The time of offering is a contemplative time of prayerfully offering ourselves - our time, our talents and our treasures to the LORD - in response to God's goodness and love. We understand why God asks for our first fruits as an offering to Him – it’s because God blesses us to be a blessing! We believe that God has given us all we have and we get to respond with thanksgiving to Him by sharing a bit of what we have for the work God wants to do within and through Tortolita! God doesn’t just give us gifts for our own sake but so that we will use them to make His Name great in Tucson and beyond.
How can I meet people and be a part of Tortolita?
There are a few ways to meet people and get connected at Tortolita. After worship (10:30-11:00) you are invited for coffee, lemonade and snacks in Ironwood Hall. Following that we have a Sermon Reflections Class (held in Ironwood Hall) for everyone who wants to dive into greater discussion around the sermon topic. There is Sunday School for children that is fun, interactive, Christ-centered, and Bible-based! For more activities, ministry outreach opportunities and Bible study options, we invite you to explore the Tortolita website.