Worship & Music
Welcome to Worship at Tortolita
Please note ~ Due to the pandemic we will resume in-person worship when we are able to safely gather together. For now, you may email the church office in order to receive weekly outlines and links for our worship.
Sunday Mornings, 9:30 a.m. in the Sanctuary
Worship at Tortolita is family-friendly, God honoring and lively! We give you time for reflective prayer after a busy week and you will hear a message that is relevant and always rooted in God's Word. Musically, you will sing great hymns and appreciate Choral anthems with our growing choir. Our hope is to include newer, contemporary music along with creative worship elements. If you have musical ability either instrumentally and/or vocally for a choir or a worship team please contact Pastor Jennifer of Amy Davis! Children are always welcome in worship! They may choose to join in the Sacred Space Table. You may prefer that your children attend our childcare ministry and that is great too! Infant care is also available.
Fellowship with coffee, iced tea and great food is always available after worship along with Sermon Reflections Class! All of this is held in Ironwood (Fellowship) Hall. We hope you will come check out what's happening at Tortolita on Sunday!
Tortolita Choir
You are welcome to be a part of the choir, whether or not you have a musical background or training. Rehearsals are held on Tuesday evenings 6:30-7:30 PM and Sunday mornings 8:30-9 AM, September through June.